A 17-year-old convicted of the rape, murder and aggravated robbery of an 81-year-old woman has been sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment by the Northern Cape high court.
A 17-year-old convicted of the rape, murder and aggravated robbery of an 81-year-old woman has been sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment by the Northern Cape high court.
reaction. listen to this. it was the couple s first appearance together at a royal event in two years. meanwhile, there are much more platinum jubilee celebrations still to come. today the duke and duchess of cambridge will visit cardiff cassel in wales. the queen will unable to attend the derby. followed by the palace concert featuring an all star lineup from the world s music and dance. anna stewart live from london. anna, yet another day without the guest of honor. reporter: without the guest of honor, which is terribly sad. i think particularly for the queen herself actually because she loves horse races. to miss the derby will be a big blow. we re told she will be watching from home on the television. and the rest of the royal family, as you said, are very busy today. scattered across the uk. all the senior members visiting