The Directorate of Enforcement said it had conducted search operations under the country’s anti-money-laundering act. The office raids came a few days after India’s Congress raised the case of Chinese loan apps in India.
The Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) Unit of Delhi Police s Special Cell has busted various modules of instant loan applications having Chinese connection, and arrested 22 people in the last two months for allegedly siphoning off Rs 500 crore to China by the hawala route or by investing in crypto-currency, an official said on Saturday.
Twenty-two people have been arrested from across the country for their involvement in a Rs 500 crore instant loan-cum-extortion racket that was operated by Chinese nationals. The racket involved more than 100 applications that were used to obtain acc
Name of the apps which have been identified by police are Raise cash app, PP money app, Rupees master app, Cash ray app, Mobipocket app, Papa money app, Infinity cash app, Kredit mango app, Kredit marvel app, CB loan app, Cash advance app, HDB loan app, Cash tree app, Raw loan app, Under Process, Minute cash app, Cash light app, Cash fish app, HD credit app, Ruppes land app, Cash room app, Rupee loan app and Well Kredit app.