steve: 22 minutes till the top of the hour. the cash for clunkers program was supposed to save all of us money. gretchen: the program designed to take gas tkpwuz letters off the street did more harm than good. charles payne from the fox network is here. people remember the cash for clunkers program. it was controversial for a variety of reason. now we re talking about this environmental report. what happened? there is a lot of things when people say these are unintended consequences. i think most people thought this was a stupid idea to begin with. 750,000 cars yanked off the road, used cars, people seduced into buying a brand-new car when they couldn t afford it. subprime loans through the roof. now there is a report on the environmental side. it was an absolute disaster because what they did instead of recycling these cars, they shredded them. when you shred, you get this residue. from this particular prapbl it could be the ekweuf program it could be the equivalent of 24 millio
blue dog democrat matheson is in the fight of his love with republican mia love, and she was on year. today is the congressman s chance to respond. your opponent was challenging your record yesterday. take a listen to what she said. i want your reaction. he voted for the $787 billion stimulus. he voted for cash for clunkers the he voted against the repeal of obamacare. he has to answer those, not only do we have to do that but you have to find a way after that to provide solutions for the problems that we face. congressman, go ahead. she points out you voted for cash for clunkers and obamacare. guest: that is not true. that is not true i voted against obamacare and i voted against it three times first on energy and commerce committee and voted against it on the house floor and voted against it when it came back from the senate. she is trying to muddy the
makes a challenger or makes the incumbent, have to explain their position. it is the same area with my opponent, he supports president obama. he supports and voted for the $787 billion stimulus. he voted for car check, cash for clunkers , vote the against the repeal of obamacare. he has to answer that and find a way to provide solutions on the problems we face. obama is in the same position my opponent is. people saying need only can you runaway from your own record you don t even have solutions or are incapable of creating solutions. neil: have you campaigned with governor romney? i have been a sure gatt and helped out in november. we going this weekend to help out in ohio. we are excited. i am trying to run two campaigns
he doubled it. he is going to get more people working. he didn t. we still have over 8 percent unemployment. his plan is another stimulus. how did that first one go? how about $800 billion. how much did you get? it was cash for clunkers , did you get help from that? no, no, his idea now, he has one new idea. i admit he has one thing he did not do in the first four years, he said he will do it in the next four years, which is to raise taxes. is there anyone who thinks that raising taxes will help grow the economy? no, his plan is continue what he has done before. status quo has not worked. we cannot afford four more years of president obama of the we will not have four more years of president obama. his plan and his approach says fundamentally that government knows better than you how to live your life, how to pick
some of them are better than i drive sometimes. john: yet the politicians still say it was good idea. breathing rights back into the automobile sector. so if destroying cars is good how much wealth could i create if i did an earthquake. a disaster like this could help an economy some people think it can. i think this can be an opportunity for a boom economy in haiti. she can see the jobs created for cleanup workers and building new buildings. likewise, after september 11th, pawing krugman says the attack could do economic good. rebuilding will increase business spending. people think that because they can see the rebuildings just as they can see cash for clunkers.