A half-century after its triumphant Broadway debut, South Bay Musical Theatre will present the timeless classic A Little Night Music, featuring haunting and humorous music by the late great Stephen Sondheim, with a book by Hugh Wheeler.
February 23, 2021 7:29 pm
By Matt Stewart, Racing Editor
Henry Plumptre, the former head of
Godolphin‘s Australian operations, who a decade ago urged for major trackwork reform, does not believe
WorkSafe charges relating to the death of a female jockey will accelerate change.
WorkSafe on Monday issued six charges against the
Cranbourne Turf Club and two against the
Claridge perished before first light after an incident while aboard a horse trained by Ken and Casey Keys – of Saloon Park – in an unlit section of the training centre known as the sand trails.
Six charges were laid against the Cranbourne Turf Club, including that it failed to protect Claridge against health and safety risks and that it failed to ensure the workplace was safe.