Amid the busy scramble of breaking news, we often pause to look up and take in the wonder around us, eagerly noting the people who are making our little corner of the world better, bit by bit.
Amid the busy scramble of breaking news, we often pause to look up and take in the wonder around us, eagerly noting the people who are making our little corner of the world better, bit by bit.
everybody is in the same predicament, obviously, and you walk up to a stranger, granted this man was essentially a lifesaver for you and a lot of people on that highway. yes, absolutely. we were not nervous at all. we were just trying to help people around us. and we thought he would be the person to talk to. the second day he spoke to us with kindness and direction. ashley: and then, obviously, chuck, the owner of the bakery, he was supposed to be with us this morning. we were having some issues with his shot. but ron, thanks for doing what you did in helping all those people out. like i said, people look at you as like a saving grace, i m sure yesterday. awesome for you, it casey and john, way to think on your feet. hopefully that does not happen anytime soon or ever again. [laughter] okay, ron, casey holihan and