shift was hurt last she was lying face down, a pool of blood under one side. just one tiny clue. a piece of foam rubber. there was a suspect, but he had an alibi, until this revelation. i said, i have something that you need to know. welcome to dateline, it hello, and welcome to dateline. it sometimes take especially to look at a crime scene and spot the one thing that is out of place, the clue that will crack the case. in this story, that thing appeared so inconsequential, that no one even knew what it was, let alone what it meant. it took almost two decades, a team of determined investigators, and a detective with an unusual background find out. here s keith morrison with the night before halloween. it was the night before halloween, october 30th midnight approaching. it happened in one of the middle class suburbs that s roll across the los angeles basin. inside a fast food franchise, closed for the night, a frantic scrambling, running feet, and then, sile
him like, what i couldn t believe it. was he watching me that fire was set very calculating years before his wife kille herself. yes he claimed she committed suicide days before she was du to give birth to her first child. she was extremely excited for that baby. she wanted to be a mom this wasn t somebod thinking about suicide exactly it made me wonder was he a murderer you are trying to prove a murderer with pretty much no evidence correct is he kind of gloating he got away with it he is thinking, well, catch me if you can. we are going to do her and her family justice we are going to solve this murder hello, and welcome to dateline meg purk was a young mom to be over the moon to be having her first child. then, just days before her due date, she died of an apparen suicide. her family struggled t understand why, but in a strange twist, a house fire se decades later would point to a possible answer and pu investigators on a trail towards the tru
something is not right. some said the motel owner had simply checked out, and left town. they saw her in line to get onto an airplane. but our prized car turn up the next calm behind the wheel. we thought, oh my god, it s, him he killed her. was it really that simple? her personal life is very complicated. a younger boyfriend. the young man was very charismatic, drop dead gorgeous. and an estranged husband. then caught them having sex the case really started to sizzle when we didn t know. this is a murder mystery of epic proportions. both of us were obsessed with the case. ken is get any more bizarre? hello, and welcome to dateline. she had moved there for her first piece of heaven on earth, life on a sunny island in florida. so, when she vanished, her friends knew it wasn t her idea to leave. but, that wasn t all they were sure about in that complicated missing person case. here is keith morrison with, a place on the sand. there is a