/PRNewswire/ "I just realized…It s been 35 Years," Mark Curtis, Founder and CEO of Pacific Cascade Corporation/ParkingZone and more. Since founding Pacific.
Forklift Co. Joins Tariff Fight As Court Pauses New Cases
Law360 (April 29, 2021, 8:22 PM EDT) A forklift parts importer sued the government over tariffs on $300 billion worth of Chinese goods, joining more than 3,700 other companies challenging the levies on the same day the U.S. Court of International Trade ordered a stay on new complaints.
Oregon-based Cascade Corp., which is owned by Toyota Industries, on Wednesday became one of many late arrivals to assail the tariffs, which the Trump administration imposed in 2019, late in its trade conflict with China. Opponents claim the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative set the levies, often referred to as List 3 tariffs, more than a year after its.