saying good-bye to victims of the ft. hood shootings. the funerals of six victims killed in the massacre. police have arrested the mother of a missing 5-year-old girl on charge of child abuse, may be the least shocking of the ak san diegos against her. plus, how much money do you think a perfect cow is worth? well, this one is the bovine version of best in show, and you ve got to hear how much someone paid for it. hey there. thanks for having us over. this is hln. will i m virginia cha. president obama landed in china this morning, the third stop of his tour in asia. earlier today he covered ground negotiating a new nuclear agreement with russia. he met the president at an international summit in singapore, wornging to replace the treat country that expires next month. the president said things look good. in our first meeting when i traveled at moscow, we arrived an understanding that it made sense for our two countries to begin reducing further our nuclear stoc
saying good-bye to victims of the flt hood shootings. the funerals of six victims killed in the massacre. police have arrested the mother of a missing 5-year-old girl on a charge of child abuse may be the least shocking of the accusations against her. plus, how much money do you think a perfect cow is worth? well, this one wu is the bovine version of best in show, and you ve got to hear how much someone paid for her. hey there. thanks for having us over. this is h l n. i m virginia cha. president obama landed in china this morning. earlier today he covered ground ne goerting a new nuclear agreement with russia. they re working to replace the start to nuclear treaty that expires next month, and the president says things look good. in our first meeting when i traveled to moscow, we arrived at an understanding that it made sense for our two countries to begin reducing further our nuclear stockpiles. our negotiators have made excellent progress over the last several m