Take A Look Inside The Construction At The Rome Capitol Theater
According to the
Rome Sentinel, the Capitol Theatre is currently getting work done on seats, walls, ceiling and carpets inside. This will help bring it back to it s 1939 authenticity. The funds for the restoration work come from a Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant.
In June, the marquee outside will get work done:
“The marquee will be 30’ wide, 7’ 2” high, and will extend 15’ from the front of the building. The blade sign will be exactly 45’ high. The marquee and blade will have exactly 2000 bulbs, as did the original. .There will be a facade restoration to the building in conjunction with the DRI. they located the original steel beams and intend to attach these structures to those, as were the 1928 marquee and blade. I believe the marquee and blade will take approximately two days to install,” said Arthur Pierce,