Heading into the weekend, there’s a bevy of holiday events around the Carson City region over the next three days. Events include the Silver and Snowflake Festival of Lights, the 24th annual Parade of Lights in Gardnerville, the annual Project Empty Bowls dinner held at the Carson Mall, a Holiday Crawl in downtown Carson City and much more!
Steve Hale will portray the legendary mailman of the Sierra, Jon A. “Snowshoe Thompson, at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park on Wednesday, June 21, at 6:30 pm. When Jon Thompson put on his 8-foot skis and heavy leather mail pack in 1856, he skied to Genoa and into history.
Not far from the lake and just over the hill in Carson Valley the company can get a bit wild and a little … flighty. From around December through February, Carson Valley sees a hefty.
Historian and author Mark McLaughlin will speak on “The Lake Tahoe Water Wars,” 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 10. In the 1860s, a San Francisco-based engineer, Colonel Alexis Waldemar von Schmidt, acquired a half-section of land.
Unexpectedly leaving this earthly planet on December 31, 2021, Bob Cook’s life was, and is, the definition of service to others. Born in Southern California on November 22, 1948, Bob moved to Zephyr Cove, Nev. in 1971 after serving honorably in the U.S.