A very very Serious Business and that both the democrats and republicans want to tighten every you know you know as a as moving forward so whoever wins this election will want to impose some kind of sanctions some kind of penalties pressure the obsession obsessive hatred of russia and now that prevails in london and in washington is a very Serious Business and i think that. This is one of the issues that in a certain point thing out that this this really it does get into a very dangerous situation and so what hes saying is that. This dangerous situation is part and parcel that as alexander pointed out with this revisionist view of world war 2. According to which the nazis and the soviets jointly launched it and this was a European Parliament resolution this isnt something he story the story in quite just the pontificating way this is a recent resolution of the European Parliament joint aggression by the soviet in and you point out you know important facts to keep in mind and said no th