Two school board candidates have raised concerns over another candidate s marriage to a school district teacher and union representative, calling on their opponent to recuse himself from the election.
Carroll County Supervisors will ask the Virginia Department of Transportation to take a look at increasing safety at the intersection of Breezy Ridge Road and U.S. 58 after a fatal
Andersen says he shared the county’s minimum requirements that call for the road to be 22 feet wide and eight inches thick with the City of Glidden. They responded, indicating there does not appear to be a problem with meeting the stipulations for the roughly 750 feet of work. Glidden has already put out a request for bids on other paving projects and would like to add this to the list. After receiving general approval from the supervisors to move ahead, Andersen says he will review the proposal with County Attorney, John Werden, and bring the results of that consultation back again for discussion at the Monday, April 26 meeting. The supervisors also awarded a three-mile paving project to the west of Halbur on County Road E46 to one of four competitive bidders, OMG Midwest, doing business as Cessford Construction Company.
In mid-2019, the Carroll County Supervisors opened up the application process after receiving notification that long-time IT Director, Carl Wilburn, was planning to retire at the end of 2020 or onset of 2021 at the latest. During that process, a current employee and part-time IT technician, Louie Grote, applied for the position. When the interview committee selected a handful of candidates to continue through the process, the list did not include Grote. He believed the reasoning behind his exclusion was a form of age discrimination and filed a complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. The commission called for the two parties to enter into a mediation process, the outcome of which was an agreement reached that provided Grote with a monetary settlement of $95,000. Carroll County Supervisor Chair, Gene Meiners, says there is another part of this settlement agreement that needs to be stressed.
Jeff Blankman
Regional Dual Wrestling Results Tuesday, February 9th South Central Calhoun and West Monona/Whiting At Woodbury Central South Central Calhoun saw their team season come.