Carroll’s City Council finished its budget discussions from the previous week Monday evening, circling back to a few topics council members had raised issues on before advancing the budgeting process.
Kuemper’s “Celebrating Our Nation” day on Wednesday, Jan. 31, during Catholic Schools Week was an opportunity to present plans for a display to honor the four Kuemper High School graduates
Visitors at Carroll’s Arthur N. Neu Airport Flight Breakfast on Sunday, Sept. 10, will have a chance to take to the sky themselves on either a 1970s Vietnam-era Huey helicopter
The Carroll City Council will be convening for a special Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) budget workshop at 5:15 p.m. Monday, Jan. 18. This is the first of four scheduled workshops and will focus in on General Obligation (GO) bonding options for street improvements and the proposed updates and expansion at the Carroll Rec Center as well as the Police Department budget for the coming year. Council members will also be reviewing requests for funding support from outside agencies, currently at more than $168,600. This includes requests from the Region XII taxi program, the Carroll Area Child Care Center and preschool, Community of Concern Food Pantry, New Opportunities, the Carroll Area Development Corporation (CADC) and more. There is also a breakdown of the general fund operating budget of $226,000 from the Carroll Airport Commission along with their capital requests. Although the discussion on these requests will take place, there will be no presentations. The review will come from letters s