you think the president has lived up to the promises he made? no, not at all. not at all. you know, we re working class people. we re no longer middle class and i don t see anything that he s advocating or done that benefits the working class people. reporter: former union leader chuck jones said trump s promises to blue collar workers now seem like the carrier deal. both sounded a lot better six months ago. as part of the deal, carrier says it s committed to spending millions and millions of dollars for improvements at its factory here which is a good thing. however, the company s implied that a lot of the money will go to automation which tends to replace jobs. not create them. martin savage, cnn, indianapolis. thanks. coming up, one florida police chief said he s going to recommend charges against teenagers who taunted and laughed at drowning man who died. details next.
because they can t really point to accomplishments on that score. as you said even the carrier deal turned out to be not what it was advertised as. you know, health care is also not a very good story for them at this point. there aren t a lot of really good stories that they could be pivoting to, to use a political term. so, you know, the president does look like someone who is increasingly desperate, feeling like the walls are closing in, he seems cornered and he s lashing out. it s interesting, alisyn was interviewing chris collins, republican representative of new york, big ally of the white house. and chris collins said to alisyn, essentially, you know, the president s annoyed that we re talking about russia. he keeps getting frustrated the focus is on russia. chris, we re talking about it because he brought it up in the interview with new york times and made news on it in somewhat astonishing ways. we re talking about it because this legal team is now going after members of ro
are still leaving. nothing has changed. carrier did receive $7 million in incentives from the state to keep the plant open and employ roughly 1,000 people. this comes a day after the ford motor company announced it s moving the production of the focus model to china. they cancelled the original plans to move the plant to mexico. they didn t move the plant to mexico. they moved it to china. and i doubt we ll hear the president talking about this. this speaks to the larger conundrum to this president. it s harder to find what he says is truth as opposed to exaggerating the obvious. the carrier deal was made before he came president but people said it s fine. take the win. he said this thing with regard to the europe as well, and the eu, and nato. oh, it s because i said
michigan a few weeks back. we have to say the u.s. is open for business and if we cut that corporate tax we ll see countries redomiciling into the u.s. all around, from all over the world. bakari, a point of economic debate. right? what the relationship is between tax cuts and job creation. what is your point on this? well, i think this conversation is a bit absurd, all due respect. start with jason s first point. carrier deal. in the first part of the segment i said the president lied. the fact, there were 1,100 jobs the president touted he saves to carrier. 300-plus can jobs not moving to mexico. administrative job s rest are moving to mexico. it s not true they re not staying in the united states. half move before july the rest before christmas. the president lied to the carrier employees and the country. we re touting the bred for gpre
legislation, executive, storming ahead with ideas black and white on paper. i think this president has to be judged in a different way, by the fact that we now have family members in office and that seems normal. we now have advisers who are members of the extreme right. we take that as normal. we have an ongoing investigation, multiple ones, speaking of foreign policy, about the role of russia in getting this man elected. those things are not normal but they ve become normal and in a way we need to have a daily asterisk by everything so we don t forget them. when you look at the kind of atmosphere this is a president for whom images are very important. i wonder, is the purpose of the trump presidency to create great policy, or is it to create a series of stories and images, the carrier deal and things like that, so that in three years he ll go back to the american people and say, look, i did all these amazing things, watch the