There is no better time to be happy than right now, whether you are watching TV from your easy chair, driving to an appointment or just reading this column. Time waits for no one.
Several factors have impacted the strong cattle market in recent weeks, causing what the industry hopes is a temporary blip. Commodity Broker Dennis Smith, Archer Financial Services, said he’s seen three recent outside factors impacting.
Several factors have impacted the strong cattle market in recent weeks, causing what the industry hopes is a temporary blip. Commodity broker Dennis Smith, Archer Financial Services, said he’s seen three recent outside factors impacting.
Lower Critical Temperature Decreasing temperatures impact the amount of energy required by animals. In Table 1, the lower critical temperature is provided based on coat description. In simple terms, when will the animal need to.
Livestock producers know winter can be a challenge for their cowherds, and Karla Wilke, Nebraska Extension cow-calf/stocker specialist, reminds them not to forget about their bulls in their winter management plans. “Bulls are one of.