The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will begin overseeing the cleanup of the site of the former West Calumet Housing Complex sometime in July, officials said at a public meeting Wednesday at the old Carrie Gosch School.
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On Feb. 8, 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) announced it was conducting a five-year
review of a 322-acre residential area of the USS Lead Superfund Site in East Chicago,
Ind. EPA will review the soil cleanups completed in residential
parts of the site, including the neighborhood around the former
Carrie Gosch School. This is the first five-year review since
Atlantic Richfield Co. and E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Co. agreed
to cleanup the site, including the removal of contaminated
Five-year reviews, such as this one, are used when hazardous