Monday, August 7 First Friends Story Time: 10:30 a.m.; Townsend Public Library, 12 Dudley Road. Join Miss Karen for a relaxed story time for infants and toddlers. 978-597-1714. Story Time with Miss Maren: 10:30 a.m.; Thayer Memorial Library, 717 Main St., Lancaster. Songs, stories, rhymes and more. DROP-IN – Nintendo Switch Gaming: 10:30 a.m.-1:30 […]
Friday, August 4 Lego Free-Build: 11 a.m.; Townsend Public Library, 12 Dudley Road. Make anything that you want over the course of an hour. To register, call 978-597-1714. Yo-Yo Workshop: 1 p.m.; Townsend Public Library, 12 Dudley Road. Learn to become a proficient yo-yo player in this fun and engaging workshop; ages 8-up. To register, […]
TOWNSEND Carrie Finison began her literary career at the age of seven with an idea, a box of markers, and her father’s typewriter. She has been writing off and on ever since, though she has “somewhat regretfully,” she says, traded in the typewriter for a laptop. Finison will present a special story time at […]
For readers up to age 8 with the back-to-school blahs, a few enthusiastic books that can remind them of the best things about it. Caroline Luzzatto recommends.