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Sputnik International
centers in california not compel today give out information. the travel ban, i think the travel ban is separate category. anyone but president trump that wouldn t have been an issue. what s interesting about this with kennedy, normally he s known to be the fifth guy voting with the liberals on a case. 19-5-4 decisions and none of this paul: any other cases that you cite this year? i think the carpenter decision which came out last week where justice roberts sided with liberals in expanding basically fourth amendment to cell phone records and cell phone data and the way he did so was easy and will be extended and fourth amendment has never applied to third-party data, could make it harder for law enforcement and national security to do their job.
centers in california not compel today give out information. the travel ban, i think the travel ban is separate category. anyone but president trump that wouldn t have been an issue. what s interesting about this with kennedy, normally he s known to be the fifth guy voting with the liberals on a case. 19-5-4 decisions and none of this paul: any other cases that you cite this year? i think the carpenter decision which came out last week where justice roberts sided with liberals in expanding basically fourth amendment to cell phone records and cell phone data and the way he did so was easy and will be extended and fourth amendment has never applied to third-party data, could make it harder for law enforcement and national security to do their job.