GUILDERLAND Thomas Martin Reimer died on Sunday, April 2, 2023, at home surrounded by family in Guilderland. “Inspired by the Japanese poet Basho,” his family wrote in a tribute, “he met death ‘gracefully.’ “He was born Oct. 11, 1956 in New York City, as the oldest child of chemical engineer Ulrich Max Reimer and Waltraut Martha B.
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popular baroque style box the. after the germans fled in one nine hundred forty four and one nine hundred forty five the church became derelict that was only renovated in one nine hundred ninety. so you can say that the germans built the church twice first in seventeen seventeen when the master builder of the town of kashmir out was a german and the second time after the political turnaround after nine hundred ninety the kopeikin germans made donations and we renovated the church. the association of carpathian germans was founded in one thousand nine hundred in the wake of the political changes under communism people were forbidden to speak german in public only at home in secret since one nine hundred ninety things have been totally different today germans enjoy all political rights in slovakia.