vessels on people that snore. what i get out of this is that number one, you need to get checked. it s not normal to have snoring. now, we re not talking about sleep apnea that we ve spoken about in the past. we know that s a health hazard. this is without sleep apnea. go to a sleep center, get checked out, find out what s going on with you, and then finally, you will get your answers. eric: you talk about the carotid arteries. they put up the stethoscope and listen, but that s an important point to get that gel and what is it again. the carotid bruit. you can do a sound wave study where you actually see the plaque. what i want to start by saying is that s been shown, the thickening in those arteries in the neck, has been shown to be directly correlated with heart disease. we know that, and when we try to lower cholesterol with statins or other ways, we look to see if the plaque diminishes, but eric, that s not the same thing as saying we ve proven here that snoring actually causes