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Sputnik International
1 Min Read
Last summer’s hot streak of financial services and fintech company in-house hiring returned this week, with both Equitable and Coinbase announcing new legal and compliance leaders.
Equitable on Tuesday tapped Jose Ramon Gonzalez to serve as chief legal officer as the financial services and insurance company’s current top lawyer Dave Hattem retires. Gonzalez was most recently general counsel at CNA Insurance and previously worked at American International Group Inc and Weil, Gotshal & Manges.
To read the full story on Westlaw Today, click here:
The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday refused to reverse the conviction of lawyer Paul Hansmeier for squeezing copyright settlements from pornography users, ruling a judge had properly denied his motion to dismiss and sentenced him to pay more than $1.5 million.
Companies expect their in-house counsel to be not only well-trained lawyers, but also business advisors who understand their product and seek efficiencies - skills largely skipped in law school, until now.
World s biggest oil giants lose billions during COVID as people leave cars at home
Oil giants Exxon and BP reported staggering losses for 2020 on Tuesday as the pandemic crushed energy demand and undercut oil prices.
Exxon Mobil Corp. reported the largest losses in its history â nearly US$20.1 billion ($26.41 billion) for the fourth quarter, including more than US$19 billion ($24.96 billion) to write down the value of company assets.
For the full year, it lost US$22.4 billion ($29.43 billion).
Oil giants Exxon and BP reported staggering losses for 2020 on Tuesday as the pandemic crushed energy demand and undercut oil prices(AP)