New hate speech law proposals from the government are a bit confusing, and some of the debate so far seems to have muddied the waters, reducing something that began as an effort to combat racism, terrorism and hatred to name calling and taunts by politicians.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Justice Minister Kris Faafoi contradicted each other about what the proposals said, and Ardern has admitted the government could have been clearer in its communications.
Photo: RNZ / Vinay Ranchhod
Some worthyefforts have been made to tackle the substance of the proposals, but RNZ s Mediawatch noted much of the initial coverage focused on this political argie-bargie.
Watch: The Hawke s Bay teenager trying to break down white privilege
29 Dec, 2020 08:00 PM
3 minutes to read
By: Louise Gould
WillowMoone23122020.JPG Napier Girls High School graduate Willow Noome won a week with the Ministry of Justice after submitting a video on the issues of white privilege. Photo / Paul Taylor
An award-winning Napier Girls High School graduate was invited to spend a week with the Ministry of Justice after a passionate speech on the topic of white privilege.
Willow Noome was flown down to Wellington on December 8, spending time picking the brains of New Zealand s top solicitors, lawyers and policy managers.