Online. Go to www. Cspan. Org, and you will see the icon to click on our live coverage. The Supreme Court oral argument having today. We have been getting protesters and speakers outside all morning. The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Eternal god we give you thanks for giving us another day. Once again we come to ask wisdom, patience, peace and understanding for the members of this peoples house. Give them the generosity of heart and the courage of true leadership to work toward a common solution to the many issues facing our nation. As true states men and women, may they find the fortitude to make judgments to benefit all americans in their time of need. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal st
By your holy spirit breathe into us a new spirit, shape this congress and our world according to your design that we may fulfill your holy will. Give the members of this peoples house the intent of open hearts and minds and through the diversity of ideas they may sort out what is best for this nation. Let them not be afraid of silence and even before they eak, they may heed yo revealedordith longing. Their speech be delivered be deliberately of all prejudice that others may listen wholeheartedly. Then their dialogue will be mutually respectful and the hope of bringing unity and justice. May all that we do be done for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1, rule 1, the journal stands approved. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina recognition . Mr. Wilson i demand a vote on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. The s
The first one, its tough. Obama lost 63 seats in 2010. Clinton lost 54 house seats in 1994. Even reagan in 1982 lost 28 seats answered started from a minority position. Theyre challenging. A good economy which were starting to see alleviates the dangers but its still a challenging environment, no oubt about it. You have 40 republicans stepping down or seeking other office . We saw one from new jersey just this week. So it is a challenging environment. In some ways having folks not tied to washington in the antid. C. Sentiment out there could be a good thing in some of these districts because theyre not tied to whats happening in washington. They could run as their first person. What race worries the most in terms of the house and senate, which one are you keeping a close eye on which could be the barometer for the mid term elections . If you look at some of the democrats up in the senate, we will find out if heitkamp and donnelly and mccaskill can be so partisan, vote against the tax c
Yeah. A good economy, which we are starting to see, it alleviates the dangers. But it is still a challenging environment for republicans. There is no doubt about that. And you now have more than 40 House Republicans who are either seeking another office or stepping down this year . Mr. Phillips right. Those are high numbers. You saw another one in from new jersey just this past week. It is a challenging environment. In some ways, having folks not tied to washington and the antid. C. Sentiment that is out there right now could be a good thing in some of these districts, actually, because they are not tied to what is happening in washington and they can run as their own person. Host what race worries you the most in terms of the house or the senate . Which one are you keeping a close eye on . It could be the barometer for the Midterm Elections. Mr. Phillips when you look at some of the democrats who are up in the senate, we will find out if heitkamp and donnelly and mccaskill can be so p
Position. They are challenging, but yeah. A good economy, which we are starting to see, alleviates the dangers. But it is still a challenging environment for republicans. There is no doubt about that. Steve and you now have more than 40 House Republicans who are either seeking another office or stepping down this year . Mr. Phillips right. Those are high numbers. You saw another one in from new jersey just this past week. It is a challenging environment. In some ways, having folks not tied to washington and the antid. C. Sentiment that is out there right now could be a good thing in some of these districts, actually, because they are not tied to what is happening in washington and they can run as their own person. Steve what race worries you the most in terms of the house or the senate . Which one are you keeping a close eye on . It could be the barometer for the Midterm Elections. Mr. Phillips i think when you look at some of the democrats who are up in the senate, we will find out if