The events of sunday, september 15th, 1963, and the young innocent lives that were lost that day transformed our nation. On that day we not only lost the lives of four little girls but we must not forget that two young boys, johnny robinson, 16 and virgil ware, 13, also killed in birmingham within hours of the church bombing. Today we know that the movement that transpired from those tragic events liberated not only a people but a nation, a nation gripped, gripped with hatred and apathy. With the recent Supreme Court decision on the Voting Rights act we know that progress is always under attack and that political gains are elusive. Old battles become new again and the struggle continues. We still have much work to do. Until we reach the day when justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream, we must not stop working towards freedom and equality. I hope this ceremony will help all of us recommit ourselves to the cause of justice and equality. We must combat all e