BELFAST The First Church in Belfast, UCC will be canceling their 4 p.m. Family Christmas Eve service on Friday, December 24. The decision was made based on information regarding Covid-19 and the concern about mixing the young children who are not.
BERWICK Touch of Brass returns to set the holiday mood with its 23rd annual Carol Sing at the First United Methodist Church of Berwick, 200 N. Market St., at 3 p.m. Sunday. Guest flutist Maiko Ferro and clarinetist Judy Stine will be joining the regular band members, who include director George Wolfe, Scott Bogard, John Zerance, Beverly Collins, Al Bohar, Steven Galbreath,
After a State Patrol investigation, Kuldip Cheema and his wife Carol Cheema have been charged with underreporting sales and income to evade paying more than $100,000 in taxes.