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Presented by Uber Driver Stories
With help from Rebecca Rainey.
Editor’s Note: Weekly Shift is a weekly version of POLITICO Pro’s daily Employment & Immigration policy newsletter, Morning Shift. POLITICO Pro is a policy intelligence platform that combines the news you need with tools you can use to take action on the day’s biggest stories. Act on the news with POLITICO Pro.
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Heeding calls from a consortium of over 40 business groups, the EEOC announced yesterday that it would soon provide guidance to employers across the country on workplace incentives and the COVID-19 vaccine. Noting that businesses asked the EEOC in early February to clarify the extent to which employers can offer employees incentives to vaccinate without running afoul of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal anti-bias laws, the agency said it “expects to update its technical assistance about COVID-19 to address these issues, among others, and that work is ongoing.” The EEOC’s April 15 letter, signed by Acting Legal Counsel Carol Miaskoff, did not provide a date for when you could expect this guidance, but the hope is that the information will come soon.