And protests over this holiday weekend. The workers are upset about having to work on thanksgiving day and theyre also speaking out for better pay and benefits. Jon what . laughter you get to work at walmart on thanksgiving day laughter a ring side seat to the greatest show on earth. I its a black friday tradition. bleep . Ill stab one of you mother bleep audience reacts . Jon do you know how much people pay to go to fights like that . laughter you get paid some to see it. laughter isnt that benefit enough . Truly your vest runeth over. laughter but thats not enough for you, greedy hourly slightly over the federal poverty line employees. laughter now you want to unionize besides, everyone knows comparatively speaking in the walmart world youve got it pretty good. Violent protests in bangladesh this morning after a deadly garment factory fire. Saturdays fire killed at least 112 factory workers. The factory is owned by an exporter whose clients include walmart. Jon see . laughter wahwah
Group of people to unpack this David Axelrod is here, bob bekaa is here. Pulitzer prize win Kathryn Clark is here. And ive even got the man who carly dismissed as a clintonite. Heres the question, is the air coming out of the trump balloon . I think carly won the debate. As i predicted, the intimate Reagan Library and threehour format provided more substance that trump could offer. Then he failed to reel in a questioner. And then ending the week cancelling citing a business n confli conflict. You recently told the Washington Post you want to be known for your expertise, not as a surrogate for democrats. Is this what the beginning of the end looks like for donald trump . I think so. You know, look, michael, youve been a student of this for a long time. I think president ial races run in phases. And i wrote a fees for cnn. Com today. And i talked about spring is for casual dating. The summer there are often torrid romances that are never going to go anywhere. But in the fall, people star
Look, i think a lot of people supporting donald trump are the same people who showed up at the sarah palin rallies at the end of the 2008 campaign. We know that there this cohort out there who believe that, you know, we are being encroached on by aliens. Illegal aliens, muslims, china. And trump has tapped into that into that constituency. Its no accident that sarah palin was one of the first people to stand up and defend him after he attacked senator mccain for his war record. And Rush Limbaugh came to his against. Thats his constituency. Its not the majority of the Republican Party. Its certainly not the majority of the country. But it is an activist group and some of them may stick with him. Can money solve his problems . He told Patrick Healy at the the New York Times that hes ready to spend 100 million. I dont thing that money can solve his problems because hes getting such intensive Media Coverage that its his own performance thats at question here. 100 million does not solve the
Tens of thousands of investors attended the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in Omaha, Nebraska this year. I went to see what they were all doing there.
Tens of thousands of investors attended the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in Omaha, Nebraska this year. I went to see what they were all doing there.