In his new Fast & Furious episode, Robert Ris analyses a game by 12-year-old Yagiz Kaan Erdogmus from Turkey, who recently became the highest-rated player under the age of 13 - a record held by Judit Polgar for 35 years. | Fast & Furious is available on-demand with a ChessBase Premium Account. You can <a href="" target=" blank">register a Premium account here</a>.
The new ChessBase Magazine #219 offers complete mobile access again with the ChessBase book format. All analyses, repertoire articles, videos and training exercises can be loaded directly in your web browser! In this and the coming weeks, we will be presenting the new issue to you in a series of free reading samples. We start with Lars Schandorff's opening article on the Caro-Kann Advance Variation. After the moves 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.h4 h6!? he recommends White to start the game with a sequence of nine pawn moves! Can that be good? Check the free CBM reading sample of the week!
The Opening Encyclopaedia 2023 impresses with a huge scope and is the largest collection on opening theory with almost 1400 theory articles and 7,444 opening surveys. In 70 videos with a total running time of 29 hours the latest trends are presented by grandmasters. Vojko Mencinger has taken a look at the work, which is available at a special price this week in the Summer Special bundle with ChessBase 17.
The column "All in one" was introduced in ChessBase Magazine almost three years ago. The idea behind it: on the basis of a single extensively annotated game, you learn everything you need to know about a concrete opening line. In the new ChessBase Magazine #207, Igor Stohl and Tanmay Srinath introduce you to two concepts for White. One explores the pawn advance 3.h4 against Black's Fianchetto in the Gruenfeld and King's Indian; the other delves into a London System setup against the King's Indian. Take a look!
When White wants to tackle the Sicilian Najdorf Variation 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 very directly, 6.Bg5 is a popular choice. After 6.e6 7.f4 the rare 7.b5, the Polugaevsky Variation, leads to sharp and difficult positions. Petra Papp brings the theory of this variation up to date in her article for ChessBase Magazine #207, explaining typical strategies and motifs for both sides.