Aside from walking, where can spiders use their legs? Read more here. Experts found that spiders had used their appendages in very quirky ways, including capturing food and any other forms of movement.
Despite their intimidating appearance, the giant yellow and blue-black spiders spreading across the Southeastern U.S. owe their survival to a surprising trait: They're rather timid.
According to academics at Binghamton University, State University of New York, a tropical spider species utilizes an "air film" to conceal itself underwater from predators for up to 30 minutes
The spiders are utilizing their webs as extended auditory arrays to catch noises, perhaps providing them earlier notice of impending prey or predators, according to a recently published study of orb-weaving spiders
Noble false widow spiders, deadly arachnids that look like black widows, are not endemic to the United Kingdom. In the 1800s, they anchored a trip from Madiera and the Canary isles, but they have created a residence in their new niche.