March 5, 2021
Pohnpei In late February, United States Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced a new International Anticorruption Champions Award. One of the twelve awardees is Ms. Sophia Pretrick, Investigative Advisor for the Compliance Investigation Division of the Pohnpei State Auditor of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Ms. Pretrick almost single-handedly raised the profile of anticorruption activities in the FSM through her unique blend of government intervention and grassroots advocacy. One of the recent highlights of her years of service was a partnership between her office and the Pohnpei office of Youth-4-Change, a local NGO that addresses health, teen pregnancy, and anticorruption concerns. Youth-4-Change wrote and performed a pop song that has been played on local radio for over 18 months and reached thousands of youth with its message about the role each person plays in fighting corruption.
10:10 pm GMT+12, 20/12/2020, Micronesia, Federated States of
Through the enduring partnership between the Federated States of Micronesia and the United States of America, as codified through the Compact of Free Association, as Amended, the FSM is expected to receive the first shipment of Covid-19 vaccine by the end of December 2020.
The details were discussed in a recent meeting between FSM President David W. Panuelo, U.S. Ambassador Carmen G. Cantor and U.S. government officials.
Their virtual meeting began with the U.S. government congratulating President Panuelo and the FSM for retaining its Covid-19 free status. It was described that retaining this status has required the FSM president to make difficult long-term strategic decision-making in the interest of public health.