Watch Winnipeg animation students follow their dreams all the way to L.A. where they pitch their series to Nickelodeon executives. The short film follows team Heave-Ho Coco, on their journey to California to present their pirate-themed cartoon series.
Meet the five Sisler High School students behind Level Up, a Minecraft building quest that challenges students across Winnipeg to build a better city. This video was made in collaboration with Sisler Create filmmaking students.
Meet four international students wrapping up a year of high school in Winnipeg. From facing their fear of the cold, to apprehensions about speaking English, to fitting in with their peers, find out their biggest lessons. This video was made by Sisler Create filmmaking students in collaboration with CBC's Creator Network.
In his new short video, the Sisler Create filmmaking student demonstrates what it's like to live with neurodiversity and how he handles people's reactions to him.
What does it mean to be a young Filipino Canadian? Watch as three Winnipeggers grapple with the push and pull of hanging on to their Filipino roots. This new video was created by students with Sisler High School's Create program and CBC Manitoba's Creator Network.