Sunrise happening at 7 05 in a few minutes, 9mile per hour wind out of the west. 68 degrees, our high, later on today, just as sunny, but not as windy, as it was yesterday, and then, tonight, were down to about 48 degrees in the city, even colder in the suburbs. So it will be indeed chilly night. But there are some changes in our weekend forecast, so stay tuned for that, in the seven day, coming up right now it is traffic time. This report starts out on route 30, eastbound, past reese ville road. We have reports of an accident out there around the downingtown area. In the accident on route 422, approaching trooper, the eastbound part of 422, well, thank goodness thats cleared up. But still slow going around there. The accident on the schuylkill westbound onramp from south street, thats cleared up, as women, but it is the schuylkill. So it is still slow. Al next. 70 00; the ebola virus turns deadly in the United States. Yep, and now another man is rushed to texas hospital, with ebolalik
Celebrate the warmth and spirit of an old-fashioned Christmas this holiday season at Behringer-Crawford Museum. A Window Through Time opens Nov. 11, with vintage feather Christmas trees, antique Germa