William Tyrrell s foster father potentially faces up to two years in prison if he is found guilty later this year on two charges of allegedly lying to the state s secretive top crime fighting body.
May 4, 2021
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“If each and every person in the United States gave up meat and dairy products on one or more days of the week, ideally, all days of the week, we would save the environment from thousands of tons of carbon emissions,” wrote senior health dietitian Dana Hunnes for UCLA Sustainability.
“We have a pandemic right now, and that is going to lead us to have a mental health syndemic,” says Vickie Mays, Ph.D., a professor in psychology and health services at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health, using a term that refer to two interrelated epidemics, or “synergistic epidemics.” “We have to think about what’s necessary to get us back to a place where we’re opening, we’re vaccinated, but that, in addition to those two things, we’re healthy mentally as well,” explains Mays.