Amending the CARE Act in certain ways would advance the President'scommitment to promote what he calls the "armies of compassion" tocombat family and social breakdown. By emphasizing tax incentivesto boost charitable giving, the bill would properly focus attentionon the role of private philanthropy in addressing social ills.
lots of video coming in to msnbc today. virginia police executing a search warrant for drugs at a home yesterday got a surprise. an alligator, three-foot gator living in a pond-like arrangement in the basement. doesn t that just figure? police charged 30-year-old carlin adams with possessing an exotic animal, now in the care of virginia wildlife center. shark off the coast of palm beach, florida got a helping hand from some brave scuba divers, spotting a nurse shark with a large frisbee ring around its neck. men were with a group filming the dive on cameras there. the diver, able to grab the shark from behind, remove the ring and the shark just swam off. no confrontation there. still in florida but on land, here is a way to spend an afternoon, coalslaw coleslaw wrestling. annual bike week rally in
said it. so now s the time to make a decision. so will democrats heed the president s call? time for our top three i some surfers might call them and chaos in chile after youtubes. we re calling them shu-tubes more aftershocks. plus, a shocking story out number three, virginia police are executing a search warrant of georgia. two sixth grade girls have been for drugs at a home yesterday arrested for trying to poison their teacher. we ll tell you how they tried to when w do it and why. surprise, an alligator. but our top story, another the three-foot alligator was day and yet another report of a living in a pondlike arrangement child giving radio transmissions in the basement. to aircraft waiting to take off at jfk airport in new york. police charged carlin adams with air traffic controller glen exotic possessing of an animal. duffy gave his daughter a turn he s now in the virginia directing traffic on the airport wildlife center. a shark off the coast of tarmac. palm belch,
this always provides a real breathtaking moment when you re seeing a runaway car approaching stalled traffic in that way and how they re going to get around it. it looks like he s taking a ramp now, lifting him up and above or out of those more congested lanes of traffic. the question is, be is that an hov lane we re seeing or is that the wrong-way ramp? i m not sure. all right. with me now on the phone is former new york detective vito polucci. vito, if the traffic here is moving at 30, 40 miles an hour maybe, this car, it appears to me, is going about twice as fast. we re seeing chp officer behind him, keeping at least a couple car lengths between him and the suspect vehicle. why is that? well, you know, there s a big danger in this. and let your viewers understand that. across the country now, authori authorities have been going police department to police department to train officers on mostly backing off of most of these chases, unless it s something of an extreme natu