Lastly, selfrestraint, which checks the wellintentioned urge to shortcircuit government by the people, the kind of restraint that jefferson spoke of when he warned of the unbridled third branch. I want to quote jefferson, our peculiar security is in the possession of a written constitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction. Or the kind of restraint hamilton spoke of when he said in 1978 that the judiciary was beyond comparison, the weakest of three departments, having Neither Force nor will, but merely judgment. Because he meets this principled standard for confirmation, robert bork has earned my vote. He is a person of unquestioned integrity. His credentials are, as one of our witnesses per day, solid gold. His legal scholarship, together with his record on the bench, make him, in the chief justices view, not mine, as qualified as any candidate who has served the Supreme Court in the last 50 years. In short, he is precisely the kind of person we need on the Supreme Cou
Announcing the nomination of Merrick Garland. President barack obama good morning. Verybody please have a seat. Of the many powers and responsibilities that the constitution vests in the few are more consequential than appointing a Supreme Court justice particularly one that succeeds Justice Scalia one of the most influential jurrists of our time. The men and women who sit on the Supreme Court are the final arbiters of american law. They safeguard our rights. They ensure that our system is one of laws and not men. Theyre charged with the essential task of applying principles put to paper more than two centuries ago to some of the most challenging questions of our time. So this is not a responsibility that i take lightly. The decision that requires me to set aside shortterm expediency and narrow politics so as to maintain faith with our founders and perhaps more importantly with future generations. Thats why over the past several weeks ive done my best to set up a rigorous and comprehen