Each January 1st is Public Domain Day, when a new crop of works have their copyrights expire and become free to share and reuse for any purpose. Here's our highlights for 2024.
Tweet January 1, 2024 is Public Domain Day: Works from 1928 are open to all, as are sound recordings from 1923! By Jennifer Jenkins Director, Duke Center for the Study of the Public Domain CC BY 4.0 Please note that this site is only about US law; the copyright terms in other countries may be different.[1] On January 1, 2024, thousands of copyrighted works from 1928 will enter
Here are the works of art entering the public domain in 2024, including the Mickey Mouse short films 'Steamboat Willie' and 'Plane Crazy,' the book Orlando by Vrigina Woolf, and the song 'Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love)' by Cole Porter.