Junior Achievement thanks Jeffery-Mohr Dentistry
Information submitted Monday, March 15, 2021 12:00 AM Pictured are (from the left) Dr. Carl Jeffery, Dr. Jessica Jeffery-Mohr, Kyle Holliday (JA Board Member), Whitney Sealscott (JA Board Vice President). (Photo submitted)
VAN WERT Junior Achievement of Van Wert County recently recognized Jeffery-Mohr Family Dentistry for their commitment to being a Partner Level sponsor, which provides the funding support for an entire programming series.
JA of Van Wert County programming is performed by all volunteers and reaches over 1,500 students each school year, focusing on financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness.
“Whenever a community shows its youth that they matter and are important, the community and the youth will succeed,” said Dr. Carl Jeffery and Dr. Jessica Jeffery-Mohr.