but basically if you need assistance, if you have tips, if you need you know, if you need to cope to get through this, someone to get through this, call that number. and use that number judiciously. don t just call to check up on someone. 410-768-5522. it s at the bottom of your screen. and they read off the names of people who sadly were victims of this. all the victims were employees of the capital gazette. i have information here from carl hiaason s facebook page. robert hiaason. this is from carl, someone who was related to him. i want to bring in our national security analyst, retired maryland state police major neil
we can put that phone number back up. they re calling it a warm line. but basically if you need assistance, if you have tips, if you need you know, if you need to cope to get through this, someone to get through this, call that number. and use that number judiciously. don t just call to check up on someone. 410-768-5522. it s at the bottom of your screen. and they read off the names of people who sadly were victims of this. wenhe all the victims were employees of the capital gazette. i have information here from carl hiaason s facebook page.