The Feb. 21 My Turn “New doors would put kids, economy on path to success” was excellent. As far as it went …The opinion piece advocated “creating stronger connections between what students are learning in high school and the opportunities that await.
On one hand, displayed in our country is an amusing rabble of Trump enthusiasts who, when interviewed, make claims about their idol no sane person would utter, e.g., “He won the election, is still president, and is running the country from his.
I want to thank the Gazette so much for running Carl Doerner’s column on how to spot sloppy conspiratorial thinking in an otherwise solid daily newspaper,(“Recalling another traumatic November,” Nov. 22).Mr. Doerner begins with the classic outrageous.
Carl Doerner s guest column about the Kennedy assassination (“Recalling another traumatic November,” Nov. 22) confidently stated many theories about the event as though they were established facts. But these theories have been in serious dispute over.
Carl Doerner s guest column about the Kennedy assassination (“Recalling another traumatic November,” Nov. 21) confidently stated many theories about the event as though they were established facts. But these theories have been in serious dispute over.