Ankara Åehir Haritası. / Ankara City Plan. / Ø¢ÙÙارا Ø´ÙÙر ØارÙتاسÙ.
1924 (dated)
1 : 4000
This is the first accurate topographical survey of Ankara, modern-day capital of Turkey, published by the T.C. Harita Genel MüdürlüÄü (Turkish Republic General Directorate of Maps) in 1924 (Åevval 1340). The map emerged from military surveys during the Turkish War of Independence (1919 - 1923), conducted between roughly 1921 - 1922. As such, it is an invaluable record of Ankara before it was developed into the national capital. Printed entirely in Ottoman Turkish, coverage extends from Hatip and Ãubuk Creeks in the north, to the Ankara-Erzurum Railway line and the German-constructed 1893 Ankara Train Station - then still well beyond the developed limits. Ankara Citadel appears on high ground just to the right of center. The map