but realize it s a war zone, but we haven t yet had word from the state department. what was jimmy like, katia? as my little brother, growing up, he loved to tease me. but as an adult, he was such a grounded, caring man. he was the helper that everybody looks for when it s a time of crisis. and indeed, what he was doing once the invasion started was finding ways to help and identifying others that needed more help than he did. you talk about how he wanted to stay in ukraine, not leave his partner behind. because she has m.s. he did that. and he lost his life. because of it, finding her food. how is she doing? have you spoken to her?
Movie critic Bruce Miller says Justin Timberlake in "Palmer" doesn’t stray from the ex-con profile, but Ryder Allen is an authentic young actor. Also, "Our Friend" celebrates friendship, but sometimes
farrell center in waco to pay respects to the fallen firefighters and victims of the explosion in west. amid the solemn melodies of bag pipes, tears flowed and flowed. thousands of firefighters and first responders honored the victims, killed in the earth rattling explosion, at a fertilizer plant in the small town of west, texas. the flag-draped coffins are a poignant site, but the videotaped eulogies from family members that offered the most emotion. he was a true here york the first to answer every call. a strong, caring man. a good family man. he did everything for us. never missed a sporting event of ours in his life. he was the friend that showed up to help you, even before you asked. we will love you forever, we will like you for always, as long as we re living, our son you will be.
reporter: amid the solemn melodies of bagpipes, tears flowed and flowed. thousands of firefighters and first responders honored the victims killed in the earth-rattling explosion at a fertilizer plant in the small town of west, texas. the flag-draped coffins were a poignant sight, but it was the videotaped eulogies from family members that offered the most gripping emotion. he was a true hero, always one of the first to answer every call. he was a strong, caring man, good family man. he did everything for us. he never missed a sporting event of ours in his life. he was the friend that showed up to help you even before you asked. we will love you forever, we will like you for always. as long as we re living, our son you will be. rest in peace and take care, sweet son. i love you. i cannot match the power of
powerful several hours that took place yesterday afternoon in waco, just down the interstate here in central texas, as thousands of people turned out to pay their respects. reporter: amid the solemn melodies of bagpipes, tears flowed and flowed. thousands of firefighters and first responders honored the victims killed in the earth-rattling explosion at a fertilizer plant in the small town of west, texas. the flag-draped coffins were a poignant sight, but it was the videotaped eulogies from family members that offered the most gripping emotion. he was a true hero, always one of the first to answer every call. he was a strong, caring man, good family man. he did everything for us. he never missed a sporting event of ours in his life. he was the friend that showed up to help you even before you asked. we will love you forever, we