/PRNewswire/ While most people instinctively run away from a fire, Dr. Monzer Yazji is the kind of person who runs into one. There are millions of people.
/PRNewswire/ While most people instinctively run away from a fire, Dr. Monzer Yazji is the kind of person who runs into one. There are millions of people.
/PRNewswire/ A shortage of physicians in the United States is real and poses a major concern in the medical community. According to the American Medical.
textbook which she read for 20 minutes and she became an anesthesiologist. another employee went to a caribbean medical school but was never licensed to practice. there was a doctor who went to grenada. after the clinic closed he was a tell marketer. he wasn t there during the day. he would have the unlicensed staff monitor the women and he would come there at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 at night and he would have these abortions performed through out the night until 3:00 in the morning. that s just the beginning. according to prosecutors in their case against gosnell these women s medical society was much worse than an incompetently run clinic. it was a home to butchery and murder plain and simple after the break.