Attacker detained shot and killed by police. Oh my god. I see Police Officers with guns running running towards where i was heading. And so i just i see bang on the bus and try to get off the bus because i could and i started running and then i heard gunshots about 5 or 6 pop up pops and i see more Police Officers running towards the bridge and im running. It felt all use in a bit of a war zone. Got the bodies will place a rail. And we need new havens called to noise as you hear these you say that you hear the helicopters seen place a lot of men with guns police determined that the explosive device was fake. But they evacuated some nearby buildings as a precaution and such a massive security cordon around the area it has been declared a terrorist incident we are working jointly with the city of london place as we can see due to respond. Officers from the mets counterterrorism commander now leading this investigation but i must stress we retain an open mind as to any motive it would be
Clashed with Security Forces after trying to block a road in baghdad medical Officials Say 3 protesters have been shot dead at least 58 wounded in the latest protests there are vowing theyll continue until theres a complete overhaul of the political system. New information has emerged about the man who killed 2 people in a knife attack in london on friday or some incarnate been released from prison after serving half of his sentence for his role in a 4 wheeled bomb plot for pressure is growing on maltas Prime Minister after a prominent businessman was charged over the murder of a journalist youre been fending denies complicity in the murder of Daphne Corona and 2017 the case has developed into a Major Political crisis for Prime Minister Joseph Muscat the chief of staff resigned this week amid reports he was being questioned by police. Hundreds of people have protested outside a Police Station in india where 4 men accused of raping and murdering a 27 year old woman are being held that d
The speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 218 and the nays are 185. The motion is adopted. Without objection, a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentlewoman from new york, ms. Velazquez, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 4406, as amended, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk h. R. 4406. A bill to amend the Small Business act, to improve the Small Business Development Centers program and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressl
Most of the world is designed for people who can see and hear and when we ask for accommodation , for example in braille instead of print, that limits our ability to get aneducation, to go and get a job. Ive experienced a lot of those barriers and i realized the law allows us to create change and i wanted to create change so my own personal story is, my struggle inspired me to become an attorney. Here is her book haben, the death blind woman who conquered harvard law, first deaf blind person to graduate from harvard law school, is that right . Thats right what was that experience like . We had a lot of unknowns. I reached out to another deaf blind harvard graduate and asked them how did you do this . How did you do oral arguments , how did you do exams . I had to figure a lot of it out and it ultimately started back in almond trace law when i had to learn to navigate the school systems. One of my early chapters in my book is an experience where a teacher told me i was failing at class
Who probably know its not good it blocks your nose theres a lack of air its difficult to sleep because its hard to breathe. The fires leave their mark where ever they go to strong what ever is in their path after an International Outcry it soars ileum president bolsa naro decided to send in the army. Military planes have been pumping vast amounts of water across the amazon state of rhonda neo in the north of the country. Soldiers have also been offering back up to struggling firefighters in this region and in other states. But with almost 80000 fire. This year alone its a monumental task. Protests across brazil including here in Rio De Janeiro of pointing the finger at president bolsa naro and his government theyre blaming them for allowing mining and farming in the rain forests areas that before merely protected the for the most of defending the amazon is defending human beings humans depend on the amazon we are part of nature we are nature so its impossible not to defend it with the