Senator St. Clair has questions and motions for the next meeting of Grenada s Senate Senator St. Clair has questions and motions for the next meeting of Grenada s Senate Wednesday, 02 June 2021 00:00 Written by The Grenada Informer (0 votes)
The Senate Order Paper of the 10th Parliament 4th Session to be held on Wednesday, June 02, 2021, at 9 am, lists a petition by Senator the Honourable Roderick St. Clair on behalf of farmers, for the review of the existing agreement between the Government of Grenada and the Caribbean Agro Industries Limited so that farmers can have a more affordable feed.
The senator has questions for the Leader of Government s Business, Senator the Honourable Simon Stiell, unanswered at Sitting of the Senate held on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, concerning Praedial Larceny, Farmers ID, and vendors; land policy; fisheries ice machines through a grant from the