are standing in lines for hours at the local food bank there are restaurants in the district of columbia which i m close to as well as in my own district that are providing free meals to federal government employees. i have federal government employees who are on the job that are not getting paid but are deciding not to go to work because they can t afford to send their kids to child care. i have federal government contractors who areha making choices between groceries, prescription drugs, whether they can send their parents into adult day care. this is a hardship for so many. we even have small businesses that are on the brink of closing because they rely so much on federal government contractor business, retail, and restaurants. this is rereal. this is a hardship, and they don t have a wealthy parent who s going to give them a loan to bridge them.
of what was in this fisa application and i think that we will be able to see things that adam schiff wrote that areha verifiably untrue. i think that will bolster the claims that we are making on the republican side that there needs to be reform and there needs to be accountability for people at the fbi who withheld the political origins of this dossier from the court. that is the real problem here. there is no dispute that cash as the dnc was convertible into a government-sponsored warrant to spy on american citizens. whether you are a republican orc democrat, that should concern you because it could happen to any of us. that is why we need reform and frankly, it d be nice if we didn t all go to our separate corners politically, if we found some ideas that republicans or democrats had offered that would provide the transparency and oversight to give the american people confidence. tucker: i agree. who knows, but i really, sincerely hope, that if the roles were reversed, and the rni
what they want to do first of all? mars one wants to get off the planet, private enterprise, cargo ships and taking people on a one-way mission to mars. areha: can they do it? doing, trying to sell the advertising, that is 2018 laun launch, a new replica of a mission nasa already sent. the big question there is actually getting the money. martha: they ask the he wants to land on it, but don t know yet, right? you slap a $25 million had and a bunch of pictures so people can see it.
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pointed out, not everything about that number is good, either. but it s an indicator at least in the right direction. seoods we export by the way, farming products, things we farm in me america, are buying mover of what we grow. china is now the second-biggest buyer of what we produce on farms. and mergers and acquisitions. we ve been seeing an uptick of companies buying other companies. and the dollar value. that s important,pe a sign that people who run the big companies, think that the ones they re buying areha trading f ss than they re worth. that they re a bargain and will become more valuable lat. that s an interesting sign. and we ep talking about the fact that manufacturing is down in america. but in the last month,au urin august, manufacturing was actually up not manufacturing jobs, although there was an increase in temporary work at manufacturg facilities. but manufacturing is up and that should follow when you compare it with the trade deficit. we ve exporting more, mang a l