Employers from the manufacturing, transportation and healthcare industries, as well as local job training agencies, are expected to participate in a job fair that will be held noon to 3 p.m. May 18 at the PA CareerLink offices at 15 Pavilion Lane adjacent to the Westmoreland County Community College near
The Valley News Dispatch will publish a list of community Easter egg hunts and activities.
To have an event listed online and in the print edition, send the information as soon as possible to The Stroller, Valley News Dispatch, 210 Fourth Ave., Tarentum PA 15084 or email Carol Pinto-Smith; email cpinto-smith@triblive.com; or fax 724-226-4677.
Online job fair planned Tuesday
Pennsylvania CareerLink Westmoreland will sponsor a free job fair from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday online on its Facebook page Facebook.com/PaCareerLinkWestmoreland.
Multiple employers will be recruiting skilled and unskilled labor, entry level and experienced workers, veterans and college students and graduates.