compensation, you re looking at $577 million of the assets you hope to have frozen so you can figure out what that amount is. between $1 and $577 million, what is a fair compensation? how much do you think you may get? i just want a sexual harrassment trial. again, another case a couple months ago on behalf of one victim and we won $11 million. the way we win large numbers for our clients is to really understand the emotional trauma that they go through. so we talk to their friends and their family and their therapists, we talk about the career derailment. all of that when a tryer fact like a judge or jury understands adds up to a very large number. people s lives are destroyed by child sexual abuse. many people commit suicide when they re sexually abused as children. they have problems with their relationshi relationships, with their sexuality, they have problems with their careers. two of my clients were models and they just gave up on modelling after their incidences