and many others will, fold like a cheap chair at a two bit poker game. g gordon libby was the hold out in the watergate investigation, didn t cooperate, did years in prison and was rewarded in the right wing republican world, became a right wing media figure as a result. and ron klain, with someone like lodge r rog roger stone, if it s not a serious prison time, that could be a career boost for roger stone. so if the prosecutors if they re thinking ability this have to be careful with what kind of prison sentence he may be facing. i think you re right, lawrence. look, we don t really know who was the link between trump and wikileaks, which was essentially an agent of the russian government in 2016. but it seems like it was roger stone. and the idea these were
people who are running a stable and competent government. if anything, he s proving it is a noanonymous op-ed writer correct. the potential consequence, if you finally get to the bottom of, the big reveal of who penned the op-ed, but then what, what do you do? what does the white house do with that? or is it just being able to say, you know, we found that person out, but then what? yes, then what washtonia had a great story, that person could get a $10 million book advance. he would be the biggest star of the resistance everywhere. so probably not wise to really reveal that person s name. that would just be the best career boost ever. and so, you know, you re kind of stuck in a catch-22 if you re the white house and you find this guy, which they re likely not to the find. or girl. yes. or girl. that s right. man or woman. all right, daniel lippman, josh
sexualized. she looks very strong. she seems to like the photo. wouldn t participate in the shoot with towel or whatever it is around you. i think frankly grovel could use a little side bob, don t you? golf is so boring. the outfits are atrocious. she is this something that likes good. as long not from john daly. i want side boob. how many times do you see david beckham in his underwear? not enough, kennedy. i have not seen enough of david beckham in their underwear. put the men on bottomless. he need as career boost. but probably a third of woman in america seen him with his bottoms off. i did not think of hyper sexual. i saw an athlete. she looks strong. she happens to show her sexuality. paulina gretsky was on there she let it all hang out in social media.
follow-up. where did that come from? michael hastings just seemed to be better than any of his journalistic contemporaries wanting to speak truth to power and not fearful of it in any capacity. where did that stem from? well, he was beholden to his readers. that was at the end of the day what he cared about. he didn t care about being part of the club. he didn t think that the journalist s job was to become an elite yourself and to be hanging out at parties and to not question those and become too cozy with your sources. he was really brave in that sense, and i certainly admired it a lot and i m glad that so many people appreciate his work. so this book is a send-up of the media. what do you hope reporters take away from it today as we have all these new troubling developments in foreign policy? that war shouldn t be used for career advancement. the iraq war really was a career boost for a lot of people in a lot of foreign policy circles and in the world of foreign journalism. an
diane lane, by the way on the brighter side has been cast to play hillary clinton in a biographical miniseries set to air on nbc during the run-up to the 2016 election. i said before that a double win, a double win for both of them. the beautiful diane lane playing hillary clinton. a great career boost for her. the series will span the former first lady s career from 1998 through her time as secretary of state. and while the part of bill clinton has yet to be cast, the washington post reliable source blog put forth suggestions for the role. we thought we would have fun and consider the possibilities. there they are. start with jeff bridges. he would be my candidate. the big lebowski character would probably pull this off since bill clinton is a lot like the dude. but at age 63, might be too old, might be to play the former president when he was much younger, although i think he can do it. billy bob thornton. not my favorite. he has experience playing politics in my favorite movie