Union County Public Schools has teamed up with South Piedmont Community College and Wingate University to make sure every student graduating from high school has a clearly defined, affordable, and easily accessible plan that leads to a meaningful career.
HICKORY — Ten students from the Catawba Valley Community College Career and College Promise (CCP) program recently finished in the top five during the SkillsUSA High School Regional Rallies held
Many high school students who take colleges classes at Forsyth Tech are getting a financial break.
The Forsyth County community college is waiving fees for high school students who take one or two classes each semester through the Career and College Promise program.
The new fee waiver will save eligible students at least $65 each semester. Career and College Promise students already don t pay tuition to take classes at Forsyth Tech.
College leaders say the fee waiver could encourage more low-income students to enroll in Career and College Promise, a program that lets students earn college credits while still in high school.