Chicago Shakespeare Returns to Live Performances with AS YOU LIKE IT; Casts & Creatives for Chicago ShakesSTREAM Revealed
In October 2021, audiences return to the Theater for AS YOU LIKE IT infused with The BWW News Desk
Chicago Shakespeare Theater will welcome artists back to make theater again as dozens of actors, directors, designers, and technicians are busy creating upcoming productions, captured live in the Theater s performance spaces and streaming on-demand for audiences at home via the new Chicago ShakesSTREAM platform. Rehearsals and creative team meetings are underway for the line-up of virtual offerings beginning in March, including the I, Shakespeare series of solo shows I, Banquo and I, Cinna (the poet), a repertory ensemble cast performing both Measure for Measure and Twelfth Night as enhanced audio experiences, and We Are Out There, an imaginative digital prologue to the new musical It Came from Outer Space before the world premiere production next year
Power Pop Plus: A Look Back at 2020.and More
John M. Borack explores some of the best of 2020 and a brand new release from Matthew Sweet
Sweet s fifteenth solo effort is one of his finest in recent memory. Like Paul McCartney s
Catspaw is a grower rather than an instant knockout: songs such as Give a Little, Challenge the Gods, Come Home, and At a Loss will sneak up on you and provide a guitar-fueled gut punch given half a chance. Speaking of which,
Catspaw is most definitely a full-on guitar record: Sweet handles all the six-string action here and does a helluva job, with the beefy sound harkening back to Richard Lloyd and Robert Quine s work on Sweet s 1990s releases. (Sweet handles all instrumentation himself here, save for longtime cohort Ric Menck s typically rock-steady drums.) Only one of the dozen tunes clocks in at longer than four minutes, and the relative brevity of the songs allows Sweet to say what he has to say, tear through a kickin guita